User Guide
Windows and overlay space

Main window

  • Overview view: Click the first button in the top left corner to show or hide the overview.

  • List view: Manage tags and article lists.

  • Editing view: Edit article content.

List view and editing view can be quickly switched through the arrow buttons at the top and the hot zone on the left side of the window.


Manage opened articles

You can view the list of open articles in the editing view.

You can open up to 10 articles and switch between them using keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Command/Ctrl + W : Close the currently edited article

  2. Ctrl + Tab : Switch to the next article

  3. Ctrl + Shift + Tab : Switch back to the previous article

Overlay space: Calendar memos in the global float

You can enter the global overlay space by using (macOS:Command/Ctrl + Esc,windows:Alt+Esc). The overlay space mainly provides calendar memo functionality. You can enter the overlay space anytime and anywhere using the shortcut keys (even if you have multiple monitors or desktops). Pressing the Esc key will exit the overlay space.

Calendar memos in the global overlay